Ward to Constituency to LAD to LA to Region to Country lookup
A lookup showing the hierarchy of ward to Westminster parliamentary constituency to local authority district to local authority to region to country for years 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
A data frame with 24,629 rows and 14 columns:
- first_available_year_included
First year in the lookups that we see this location
- most_recent_year_included
Last year in the lookups that we see this location
- ward_name
Ward name
- pcon_name
Parliamentary constituency name
- lad_name
Local authority district name
- la_name
Local authority name
- region_name
Region name
- country_code
Country name
- ward_code
9 digit ward code
- pcon_code
9 digit westminster constituency code
- lad_code
9 digit local authority district code
- new_la_code
9 digit local authority code
- region_code
9 digit region code
- country_code
9 digit country code
https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/search?tags=lup_wd_pcon_lad_utla and https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/search?q=lup_wd_lad_cty_rgn_gor_ctry
Changes we've made to the original lookup:
The original lookup from ONS uses the Upper Tier Local Authority, we then update this so that where there is a metropolitan local authority we use the local authority district as the local authority to match how DfE publish data for local authorities.
We have noticed that in the 2017 version, the Glasgow East constituency had a code of S1400030 instead of the usual S14000030, we've assumed this was an error and have change this in our data so that Glasgow East is S14000030 in 2017.
We have joined on regions using the Ward to LAD to County to Region file.
We have joined on countries based on the E / N / S / W at the start of codes.
Scotland had no published regions in 2017, so given the rest of the years have Scotland as the region, we've forced that in for 2017 too to complete the data set.