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A paginated list of results from a data set query.


Property Type Required Description
paging PagingViewModel true

Provides metadata for use in pagination.

results array (DataSetQueryResultViewModel) true

The list of results for this page.

warnings array (WarningViewModel) true

A list of warnings, highlighting any potential issues with the request.

Example schema

  "paging": {
    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "totalResults": 60,
    "totalPages": 3
  "results": [
      "timePeriod": {
        "code": "AYQ1",
        "period": "2020/2021"
      "geographicLevel": "NAT",
      "locations": {
        "<*>": "string"
      "filters": {
        "<*>": "string"
      "values": {
        "<*>": "string"
  "warnings": [
      "message": "There are no results.",
      "path": "results",
      "code": "NoResults",
      "detail": {
        "total": 0