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The code for a geographic level that locations are grouped by.

The allowed values are:

  • EDA - English devolved area
  • INST - Institution
  • LA - Local authority
  • LAD - Local authority district
  • LEP - Local enterprise partnership
  • LSIP - Local skills improvement plan area
  • MCA - Mayoral combined authority
  • MAT - MAT
  • NAT - National
  • OA - Opportunity area
  • PA - Planning area
  • PCON - Parliamentary constituency
  • PROV - Provider
  • REG - Regional
  • RSC - RSC region
  • SCH - School
  • SPON - Sponsor
  • WARD - Ward

Allowed options:

  • EDA
  • INST
  • LA
  • LAD
  • LEP
  • LSIP
  • MAT
  • MCA
  • NAT
  • OA
  • PA
  • PCON
  • PROV
  • REG
  • RSC
  • SCH
  • SPON
  • WARD