This function create a header banner. For use at top of the screen
logo = NULL,
main_link = "#",
secondary_link = "#",
logo_alt_text = NULL,
main_alt_text = NULL,
secondary_alt_text = NULL,
logo_width = 36,
logo_height = 32
- main_text
Main text that goes in the header.
- secondary_text
Secondary header to supplement the main text.
- logo
Add a link to a logo which will apply in the header. Use crown to use the crown svg version on gov uk.
- main_link
Add a link for clicking on main text.
- secondary_link
Add a link for clicking on secondary header.
- logo_alt_text
Add alternative text for the logo. Should be used when a logo is used.
- main_alt_text
Add alternative text for the main link. Should be used when a main link is used.
- secondary_alt_text
Add alternative text for the secondary link. Should be used when a secondary link is used.
- logo_width
Change the logo size width CSS to improve fit.
- logo_height
Change the logo size height CSS to improve fit.
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fluidPage(
main_text = "Example",
secondary_text = "User Examples",
logo = "shinyGovstyle/images/moj_logo.png",
logo_alt_text = "Ministry of Justice Logo"
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)