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Create the standard DfE R-Shiny support and feedback dashboard panel.


  team_email = "",
  repo_name = "",
  ees_publication = TRUE,
  publication_name = NULL,
  publication_slug = "",
  alt_href = NULL,
  form_url = NULL



Your team e-mail address, must be a email


The repository URL, must be a valid URL for the dfe-analytical-services GitHub area


Whether the parent publication is hosted on Explore Education Statistics


The parent publication name


The parent publication slug on Explore Education Statistics


Alternative link to the parent publication (if not hosted on Explore Education Statistics)


URL for a feedback form for the dashboard


a HTML div, containing standard support content for a public R Shiny dashboard in DfE


  team_email = "",
  repo_name = "",
  publication_name = "My publication title",
  publication_slug = "my-publication-title",
  form_url = ""
#> <div>
#>   <h1>Support and feedback</h1>
#>   <h2>Give us feedback</h2>
#>   <p>
#>     This dashboard is a new service that we are developing. If you
#>               have any feedback or suggestions for improvements, please submit
#>               them using our 
#>     <a href="">feedback form</a></p>
#>   <p>
#>     Alternatively, if you spot any errors or bugs while using this dashboard, please
#>               screenshot and email them to 
#>     <a href=""></a>.
#>   </p>
#>   <h2>Find more information on the data</h2>
#>   <p>
#>     The parent statistical release of this dashboard, along with
#>               methodological information,
#>               is available at the following link: 
#>     <a href="">My publication title</a>. The statistical release provides additional 
#>     <a href="">data guidance</a> and 
#>     <a href="">tools to access and interogate the underling data</a> contained in this dashboard.
#>   </p>
#>   <h2>Contact us</h2>
#>   <p>
#>     If you have questions about the dashboard or data within it,
#>             please contact us at 
#>     <a href=""></a></p>
#>   <h2>See the source code</h2>
#>   <p>
#>     The source code for this dashboard is available in our 
#>     <a href="">GitHub repository</a>.
#>   </p>
#> </div>

# Often you will use this inside a set of navigation tabs, e.g.
  id = "navlistPanel",
  widths = c(2, 8),
  well = FALSE,
  ## Support panel --------------------------------------------------------
    value = "support_panel",
    "Support and feedback",
      team_email = "",
      repo_name = "",
      form_url = ""
#> <div class="row">
#>   <div class="col-sm-2">
#>     <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked shiny-tab-input" id="navlistPanel" data-tabsetid="9008">
#>       <li class="navbar-brand"></li>
#>       <li class="active">
#>         <a href="#tab-9008-2" data-toggle="tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-value="support_panel">Support and feedback</a>
#>       </li>
#>     </ul>
#>   </div>
#>   <div class="col-sm-8">
#>     <div class="tab-content" data-tabsetid="9008">
#>       <div class="tab-pane active" data-value="support_panel" id="tab-9008-2">
#>         <div>
#>           <h1>Support and feedback</h1>
#>           <h2>Give us feedback</h2>
#>           <p>
#>             This dashboard is a new service that we are developing. If you
#>               have any feedback or suggestions for improvements, please submit
#>               them using our 
#>             <a href="">feedback form</a></p>
#>           <p>
#>             Alternatively, if you spot any errors or bugs while using this dashboard, please
#>               screenshot and email them to 
#>             <a href=""></a>.
#>           </p>
#>           <h2>Find more information on the data</h2>
#>           <p>
#>             The parent statistical release of this dashboard, along with
#>               methodological information,
#>               is available at the following link: 
#>             <a href="">Explore Education Statistics</a>. The statistical release provides additional 
#>             <a href="">data guidance</a> and 
#>             <a href="">tools to access and interogate the underling data</a> contained in this dashboard.
#>           </p>
#>           <h2>Contact us</h2>
#>           <p>
#>             If you have questions about the dashboard or data within it,
#>             please contact us at 
#>             <a href=""></a></p>
#>           <h2>See the source code</h2>
#>           <p>
#>             The source code for this dashboard is available in our 
#>             <a href="">GitHub repository</a>.
#>           </p>
#>         </div>
#>       </div>
#>     </div>
#>   </div>
#> </div>