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dfeshiny (development version)

  • Added extra flexibility to custom disconnect message in contact details and refresh link
  • Relaxed arguments in cookies banner so different IDs can be used for navigation panel
  • Fixed bug with inputId in the cookies banner

dfeshiny 0.5.3

dfeshiny 0.5.2

dfeshiny 0.5.1

  • Refresh of disconnect dialogue message and styling

dfeshiny 0.5.0

New features

  • custom_data_info argument added to support_panel() so users can write their own custom text in the “Find out more information on the data” section.

  • extra_text argument added to support_panel() so users can add their own sections.

  • Added section_tags() to provide structure for the extra_text argument in support_panel().

  • Added “this link” to the look up data for bad_link_text

dfeshiny 0.4.3

  • Fix bug in external_link() hidden warning so that it can be read by screen readers.

dfeshiny 0.4.2

dfeshiny 0.4.1

  • Fix bug in external_link() where visually hidden text was not visually hidden and whitespace was appearing if add_warning = FALSE was set.

dfeshiny 0.4.0

dfeshiny 0.3.0

New features

  • init_analytics() to add the necessary analytics script into a repository.

  • New cookies module for the panel page added, completing the cookies family of functions, shared examples and a vignette to walk through how to use them.

Breaking changes

  • Ironed out inconsistencies in cookies family to use plural of ‘cookies’ consistently. Backwards compatibility has not been maintained as we are still in early development and adoption is low.
  • Have removed dependency on using shiny::tabPanel() within support_panel() so now it will return only the content rather than a tabPanel.


  • Automated testing of test dashboard using GitHub actions.
  • Fixed favicons in pkgdown site.
  • Moved code for init_cookies() to inline, to prevent dependency on main GitHub branch.
  • Added separate contributing guidelines to make the README more user focused.
  • Added issues and PR templates.

dfeshiny 0.2.0

New features

  • dfeshiny now has a pkgdown site!

  • The custom_disconnect_message() function has been brought into dfeshiny to help handle disconnects from the host server and signpost restarting a given app.

  • A module is now provided to produce a standardised cookie consent banner and implement the associated functionality. The server part is cookies_banner_server() and the ui part is cookies_banner_ui(). In addition, dfe_cookies_script() is provided to implement the necessary javascript.


  • Implemented basic unit testing (currently just on e-mail validation) and UI testing using a test dashboard.

  • Instructions within the package on how to install dfeshiny have been updated.