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Parse API meta to give the filter item codes





Filter information provided by the API output


Data frame containing filter item codes matched to filter item labels and col_name


get_meta_response(example_id())$filters |>
#>               col_name                                 item_label item_id
#> 1    attendance_status                                    Absence   uRBo4
#> 2    attendance_status                                 Attendance   lxdcB
#> 3    attendance_status                              Late sessions   ULFRF
#> 4    attendance_status                             Not determined   okYmX
#> 5    attendance_status                          Possible sessions   rtaNj
#> 6      attendance_type              Approved educational activity   G7Kgr
#> 7      attendance_type                                 Authorised   3Km8u
#> 8      attendance_type                             Not determined   SPIVx
#> 9      attendance_type                                    Present   ycTaB
#> 10     attendance_type                               Unauthorised   RWdka
#> 11          day_number                                          1   bGMtT
#> 12          day_number                                          2   DqsQe
#> 13          day_number                                          3   eUpuS
#> 14          day_number                                          4   5uFdi
#> 15          day_number                                          5   4aPUZ
#> 16          day_number                                      Total   mhT9K
#> 17 establishment_phase                                    Primary   0mST5
#> 18 establishment_phase                                  Secondary   WZy2b
#> 19 establishment_phase                                    Special   EObqF
#> 20 establishment_phase                                      Total   QjDwb
#> 21              reason                       B education off site   9y94v
#> 22              reason                         C authorised other   2xclz
#> 23              reason                        D dual registration   PUoeb
#> 24              reason                      E authorised excluded   NqbDC
#> 25              reason                                   Excluded   wGjbx
#> 26              reason                    F legacy family holiday   ohkmX
#> 27              reason                     G unauthorised holiday   9aa4v
#> 28              reason                       H authorised holiday   dm90Z
#> 29              reason                       I authorised illness   OYzCL
#> 30              reason                                J interview   7JpXo
#> 31              reason     L present late before registers closed   pPmSo
#> 32              reason                M authorised medical dental   IzpBz
#> 33              reason                            N no reason yet   ibG6X
#> 34              reason               Not attending planned closed   LZ6Wj
#> 35              reason                       O other unauthorised   6tCrf
#> 36              reason               P approved sporting activity   HSmzL
#> 37              reason                                         Pa   09WT5
#> 38              reason                                    Present   CH0Id
#> 39              reason                                 Present am   Yp9HK
#> 40              reason                                 Present pm   qISjG
#> 41              reason          R authorised religious observance   a8bLP
#> 42              reason                   S authorised study leave   BFm7J
#> 43              reason                   T authorised grt absence   zVyFQ
#> 44              reason                                      Total   klbhs
#> 45              reason U unauthorised late after registers closed   uk6o4
#> 46              reason                   V educational visit trip   XvhfK
#> 47              reason                          W work experience   T4iPJ
#> 48              reason           Y not attending enforced closure   cK731
#> 49              reason                Z not attending not on roll   5o1di
#>    default_item
#> 1            NA
#> 2            NA
#> 3            NA
#> 4            NA
#> 5            NA
#> 6            NA
#> 7            NA
#> 8            NA
#> 9            NA
#> 10           NA
#> 11           NA
#> 12           NA
#> 13           NA
#> 14           NA
#> 15           NA
#> 16         TRUE
#> 17           NA
#> 18           NA
#> 19           NA
#> 20         TRUE
#> 21           NA
#> 22           NA
#> 23           NA
#> 24           NA
#> 25           NA
#> 26           NA
#> 27           NA
#> 28           NA
#> 29           NA
#> 30           NA
#> 31           NA
#> 32           NA
#> 33           NA
#> 34           NA
#> 35           NA
#> 36           NA
#> 37           NA
#> 38           NA
#> 39           NA
#> 40           NA
#> 41           NA
#> 42           NA
#> 43           NA
#> 44         TRUE
#> 45           NA
#> 46           NA
#> 47           NA
#> 48           NA
#> 49           NA