Chapter 7 Government colour standards

The following colour palette is recommended for standard data science visualisations and has been incorporated into the powerBI standard temple json.

7.1 Bar Chart (colour palette)

1st = #1D70B8, 2nd = #BC65BD, 3rd = #F05CA1, 4th = #FF6F61, 5th = #FFA600

7.2 Bar Chart (single palette)

1st = #1D70B8

7.3 Bar Chart (tinted palette)

1st = #1D70B8, 2nd = #3088C8, 3rd = #489FD6, 4th = #62B7E4, 5th = #7FCFF2

7.4 Combi Chart (colour palette)

1st = #1D70B8, 2nd = #F05CA1, 3rd = #FFA600

7.5 Combi Chart (tinted palette)

1st= #1D70B8, 2nd = #489FD6, 3rd = #FFA600

7.6 Line Chart (colour palette)

1st = #1D70B8, 2nd = #BC65BD, 3rd = #F05CA1, 4th = #FF6F61, 5th = #FFA600

7.7 Line Chart (tinted palette)

1st= #1D70B8, 2nd = #3088C8, 3rd = #489FD6, 4th = #62B7E4, 5th = #7FCFF2