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eesyapi (development version)

  • Added search parameter to get_publications() to allow filtering on publication title text.
  • Cleaned up behaviour of query_dataset() to only use geographies as a parameter, rather than geographies, locations and geographic_levels.
  • Moved all background functions to be internal.

eesyapi 0.4.0

  • Optimisation to parsing of JSON responses in query_dataset()
  • Rename download_dataset() to preview_dataset() and set default n_max to 10
  • Move test data and examples across to the EES test environment data sets
  • Minor tweaks and improvements to the documentation

eesyapi 0.3.1

  • Added parsing of SQIDs in retrieved data to provide human readable content
  • Created function, download_dataset(), to connect to csv endpoint for downloading data set csv file
  • Added first draft of example workflow for querying a data set

eesyapi 0.3.0

  • Created capacity to query data using POST:
    • query_dataset(): Now defaults to using POST instead of GET
    • post_dataset(): Sends a query of a data set, either using a json file, json string or parameters
  • Updated how example_id() works to allow more complex examples

eesyapi 0.2.1

eesyapi 0.2.0

  • Creating publication querying functions:
    • get_publication_catalogue(): Retrieve the list of available publications
    • get_publication_datasets(): Retrieve the list of available data sets in a given publication
    • example_id(): Provide example publication and data set IDs (largely for example code and testing)
    • api_url_pages(): Render string to set paging on API query results
    • eesapi_url() -> api_url(): Name change to function and updated to allow publication and data set URLs
    • warning_max_pages(): Check for the query page number exceeding the total query pages available
    • Added some test data and a process for maintaining that data
    • Added the validate_ family of validation helpers

eesyapi 0.1.0

  • Creating meta data retrieval and parsing functions:
    • get_meta(): primary function for retrieving parsed R-friendly meta data
    • get_meta_response(): underlying function for retrieving meta data without full parsing
    • parse_meta_location_ids(): convert location data from initial meta response to simple data frame
    • parse_meta_filter_columns(): create data frame of filter col_name and label from initial meta response
    • parse_meta_filter_item_ids(): convert filter item data from initial meta response to simple data frame
    • parse_meta_indicator_columns(): create data frame of indicator col_name and label from initial meta response
    • http_request_error(): render the API url for a give endpoint / data set combination